Indrė Zubraitė1, Brigita Stočkutė1
1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of medicine
Nocturnal enuresis (NE) is a health problem frequently encountered in childhood, and is defined as an involuntary voiding of urine during sleep with a frequency of at least twice a week in children aged >5 years in the absence of congenital or acquired defects of the central nervous system. Approximately 10% of all 7-year-old children were reported with NE. We determined the prevalence for NE among children, who visited a doctor nephrologist at the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos Children`s Consultation Polyclinic. We involved 139 children. The study showed that NE was more common in boys. The prevalence decreased with increasing age. 13,7 % children who had NE also had obstipation or incontinence.
Keywords: nocturnal enuresis, children.