The benefit of exercises in the treatment of hypertension

Eglė Astašauskaitė1, Kotryna Tarasevičiūtė1, Rasa Kornelija Marozaitė1

1 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Medical Academy Faculty of medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania


Hypertension (HT) is a chronic disease affecting about 1.13 billion people. High blood pressure (HBP) or HT is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). AHT is treated with antihypertensive drugs while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, in 1 out of 5 patients, the target BP is not achievable. There is a lot of information about nutrition for patients with HT, however there is not many options about the possibility to choose different types of exercises that has tangible benefit. Due to this reason, this work presents the most common and most beneficial physical exercises for patients of different age groups with HT.

Keywords: HT, arterial hypertension, HBP, treatment, exercise, physical activity.