Povilas Žudys1
1Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania
The work of a radiologist comprises of not only discovering pathological changes and correctly interpreting received images, but also transmitting founded information properly and effectively to the doctor who ordered the procedure. Patients are inadequately serviced if experienced radiologists fail to produce appropriate conclusions. Despite the lack of communication skills in the daily work of radiologists, practitioners rarely receive adequate education in this sphere. Experienced radiologists often share their personal experience with their fellow residents. It has been revealed in numerous studies that professionals like structured responses with standard descriptions and conclusions the most. Integrating clear structure templates into PACS/RIS is increasing using various research methods and in various situations. Some radiologists love free-type reports, but structured reports seem to be more prevalent, as many articles review the pros and cons of this method. Standardization of reports is a great advantage.It is not only the interpretation of images but also the conclusion that is important in the work of a radiologist. Frequently, reports are produced in free form, and physicians prefer to have a clear structure (which have more advantages). In addition, descriptions with a strict structure will most likely be used as a “gold standard” in the future.
Keywords: structured report, imaging techniques, standardized practice.