Akvilė Bumblytė1
1Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterised by erythematous plaques with prominent edges. Inverse psoriasis is a subtype of the disease, complicated in its diagnosis and treatment. The incidence of the inverse subtype is 2-44% among psoriasis patients. It localises in flexural areas of the skin and usually appear in the axillae, groins, genital area, umbilicus, periauricular area, intergluteal cleft and inframammary creases. The plaques are well defined, erythematous with a smooth and shiny surface. Superficial erosions and macerations may be found, but scales are not common. The diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, dermatoscopic findings and skin biopsy in complex cases. Inverse psoriasis management includes topical corticosteroids, immunomodulators and vitamin D analogues. Widespread psoriasis is treated with systemic and biological therapy.
Aim: to analyze clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of inverse psoriasis reviewed in literature.
Methods: “Pubmed” was chosen as the source of literature. Specific keywords such as “psoriasis”, “inverse psoriasis”, “psoriasis inversa” and “intertriginous psoriasis” were used to find relevant information. Although the criterion to review only articles released in the last 5 years was mostly adhered to, no such restriction was applied to citations.
Keywords: psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, psoriasis inversa, intertriginous psoriasis.