Introduction Community associated pneumonia (CAP) treatment and prognosis depends on pneumonia severity and state of patient. There are many scales for evaluating the severety of community associated pneumonia. The main aim is to determine complications and death risk. Aims: 1.To evaluate CAP patients severity of the disease according to SCAP , CURB-65 scales and pneumonia severity index (PSI) scale. 2.To identify CAP patients mortality and evaluate correlation with scales. 3.To evaluate correlation between these scales.
Methods: Retrospective analysis was performed from period 2009 to 2015 at Kaunas clinical hospital for patients who were treated for CAP. Totally 282 patients medical histories were analysed ( age, gender, comorbidities, death). The level of CAP severity and morbidity was calculated using SCAP and PSI scales. Quantitative data described by the average values ± standard deviation and compared using Stjudent (t) criteria. Differencies and dependancies between the variables were considered as statistically significant when p value was lower than 0,05. ROC graphs were used to compare CAP evaluating scales. SPSS 17.0 and Microsoft Excel 2013 were used for statistical analysis.
Conclusions: 1.More than half of patients had mild CAP. Most of patients belonged medium, high and very high risk groups. 2. Mortality rate is higher amongst patients who was diagnosed with more CAP. More than half of deaths occurred in risk group V. In corp scale score range (0-1) morbidity rate was 25 percent, in score range >3 morbidity rate was more than 50 percent. 3. There is positive correlation between scales evaluating severity of pneumonia and morbidity. According to ROC graph CURB-65 prognostic value is higher than PSI scale.