Augustė Jasiūnaitė1, Lidija Radzevičienė1
1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Odontology, Kaunas, Lithuania
Background. Odontogenic sinusitis (OS) ̶ inflammation of the maxillary sinus of odontogenic origin. Even with the help of advanced diagnostic tools, sinusitis is misdiagnosed. Therefore, the selected treatment becomes ineffective and there is also a risk of complications. Thus, careful diagnosis is a key stage in achieving the most effective treatment.
Aim. The aim of this work is to review and evaluate the possible diagnostic methods for OS, which would allow for the most accurate diagnosis of the disease.
Methodology. Electronic databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Cohrane Library. Search keywords: odontogenic sinusitis, maxillary odontogenic sinusitis, odontogenic sinusitis diagnostics. 19 publications in English were selected and used in the article.
Results. Patients complain of pain in the teeth, nose, nasal congestion, purulent rhinorrhea, swelling, redness of the skin in the area of the cheek, lower eyelid, enlarged and painful regional lymph nodes. Intraorally, damaged teeth in the projection of the sinus and an open fistula can be observed. When inflammation of the maxillary sinus is suspected, an orthopantomogram is usually performed. Water’s radiograph can also be used to determine maxillary sinusitis. A dental radiograph can be performed for potential causative teeth. In the case of complex diagnostics, it is necessary to apply computed tomography (CT) or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies.
Conclusion. Nowadays, during the clinical examination, the most important thing is a detailed interview of the patient and a thorough extraoral and intraoral examination, and the predominant radiological examination is CBCT.
Keywords: odontogenic sinusitis, maxillary odontogenic sinusitis, odontogenic sinusitis diagnostics.