Arrhythmogenic mitral valve prolapse: clinical case ant literature review

Agnė Keršulienė, Gabrielė Žemaitaitė, Vaida Mizarienė

Department of Cardiology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania
Background. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common condition, affecting 2-3 % of general population and is
the main cause of primary mitral valve insufficiency in the Western countries. Valvular degeneration is the most
common cause of mitral valve prolapse.
Case presentation. Describing clinical case of patient with diagnosed MVP, who was hospitalized after
successful resuscitation. A transthoracic echocardiography examination performed – marked damage to the
leaflets of the mitral valve (MV), specific of Barlow’s disease, serious mitral valve regurgitation, also tricuspid
valve (TV) damage was observed. The patient’s treatment tactics were discussed in a multidisciplinary council
and it was decided to perform MV and TV reconstructive surgery.
Conclusions. A clinical case demonstrates the importance of risk tratification for sudden cardiac death. Most of
MVP patients remains asymptomatic throughout the life, but 5-10 % of MVP patients can develop significant
mitral regurgitation. Furthermore MVP can be associated with ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
Mitral valve surgery remains the main treatment choice in case of significant mitral regurgitation in MVP
Keywords: mitral valve prolapse, sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmias, Barlow’s disease. disjunction