Burnout syndrome among personal health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: literature review

Kornelija Burbaitė1, Kornelija Galinauskaitė1

1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine


Describing the burnout syndrome as long-term, indecisive, working with stress, exercising exhaustion, cynicism, emergence from a sense of job responsibilities, and a lack of sense of personal achievement (1). In 2020, 42% of doctors reported that they had burned, with 46% 5 years ago. Specializations that have been one of the areas of burnout for the past 5 years include critical care, emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology, and urology (1). A COVID-19 pandemic is an additional stressor in the work environment of a personal health care professional that can affect the development of burnout syndrome. The aim of this study is to review the literature on the prevalence of burnout syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic. Searching for “scientific works” in computer bibliographic research databases “PubMed”, “Science Direct”, “Medline”, “Clinical Key”, “Cochrane Library”. Search using keywords and their combinations: burnout syndrome, doctors, COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic. More than 15 articles have been examined.

Keywords: burnout syndrome, doctors, COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic.