Auksė Domeikienė1, Agnė Gudaitė 2 , Laimonas Šiupšinskas 3
1 LSMU MA Šeimos medicinos klinika, 2 LSMU MA Medicinos fakultetas, 3 LSMU MA Sporto medicinos klinika
Falls and fall-realted injuries have emerged as serious global health concerns facing older adults aged 65 years and older. Falls are known to be a leading cause of death among older adults, and, when not fatal, contribute to functional limitations, mobility reductions, and loss of independence. Beyond the older adult, falls and related injuries place burden on their families and greater society in terms of caregiving and healthcare-realted costs. Clearly, prevention of falls and the injuries that they cause is a pressing public health issue. Research shows that many falls are preventable. In the clinical setting, and effective fall intervention involves assessing and addressing and individual‘s fall risk factors. Fall risk factors have been identified as intrinsic, such as impaired balance, decreased strenght, and number (>4) medications taken, and extrinsic, such as slippery floors, poor lighting. Study found that the likelihood of falling increased linearly with the increasing number of risk factors present. The American and British Geriatrics Societies (AGS/BGS) published a clinical practice guideline STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries) to promote fall risk assessement and management. Clinical recommendations are intended to help primary care healthcare professionals identify patients with increased risk of falls and to apply the preventive programs for older people in clinical practice. Also, interventions are being used to decrease risk factors, but the essential and adequate components are not clearly understood. Interventions (gait, balance and strenght training) are being used to decrease risk factors, but the essential and adequate components are not clearly understood. Combinations of treatment interventions and risk factors clarification presently are the most sufficient way of addressing fall prevention. By working together at multiple levels, we have the ability to reduce fall-related risks, integrate and leverage risk reduction efforts across systems.
Keywords: Falls; Falls prevention; Fall-Related Injuries; Older adults