Diastasis recti in pregnant and postpartum women: prevention and treatment methods

Ieva Vaitkevičiūtė1, Eglė Virbickaitė2, Eglė Astašauskaitė1

1Jonavos hospital

2Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Academy of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine.

 Abstract Diastasis recti is a common problem in women after pregnancy, and although for many women it resolves by itself, if diastasis recti persists, treatment options should be considered. Physiotherapy and surgical methods can be used. Usually exercises for strengthening the abdominal wall of the abdomen are used in physiotherapy. Surgical methods for DR treatment are based on plication or hernioplasty. Plication may be open or laparoscopic. In this article, we will review the main treatment methods, their advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Diastasis recti, Intrarectal distance (IRD), linea alba, pregnancy