Shahaf Givony1
1 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Academy of Medicine. Faculty of Odonthology.
Mandibular fractures usually happen among young males at the age of 16-30 years old. The mandible which has been rated as the second facial bone with the highest rate of injuries, tends to break much more often compared to any other bone of the cranium and represent up to 70% of the cases. This tendency to fracture may be explained by the protruded position, mobility and particular shape of it. The tendency for a mandibular fracture may also be explained by the common risk factors such as vehicle accidents and physical violence that are part of our daily life. There are many other risk factors according to the literature which differ between individuals due to the different socio-economic status, culture, technology and environment. Before the clinical examination of the fracture, it is obligatory to make sure that a clear airway path presents with no other fatal injuries. The examination may be supported by imaging methods which together will approve the diagnosis and method of treatment. Patients with a fracture of the mandible may suffer from post-operative complications which may occur after a short or long duration of the treatment. Those complications may be malocclusion, infections, trismus, damaged teeth and soft tissue, esthetic disfiguration, functional problems, pain and many more. In addition, those complications may be expressed as an unfavorable effect to the quality of life due to an unstable emotional state, an unpleasant feeling such as awkwardness to smile or laugh and difficulty to make social interactions.
Keywords: Mandibular fracture, Fracture imaging techniques, Facial fracture treatment, Facial fracture classification, Post-operative complications.